Todos en algún momento hemos tenido la duda de si se escribe “life” o “live” cuando estamos aprendiendo inglés. Por eso nos aventuramos a investigar en varios libros y preguntándole a los teachers de los cursos de inglés para que nos sacaran de la duda.
Cuando les preguntamos a nuestros fans de Facebook cuál era la diferencia, muchos mencionaron que Life era vida y Live era vivir, pero no consideraron otros usus comunes que ahora veremos a profundidad.
También exploraremos los “idioms” y “phrasal verbs” con life y live respectivamente.
Condensamos parte de la siguiente información en esta infografía que esperamos que compartas con tus compañeros de otros cursos de inglés.
Traducción Vida
Pronunciación laɪf / láif
Plural lives
- the period between birth and death.
- the amount of time that something is active or functioning
- a present condition, state, or mode of existence
- a biography
1. The Secret Life of Bees (Movie)
2. The life of a battery
3. My life is very dull here
4. The Life of Vincent van Gogh
Live (verbo)
Traducción: vivir
Pronunciación: lɪv / Lív
Conjugación: I live / You live / He-She-it lives / We-You-They live
Definición:to have life, or to be alive, or stay alive
- If you have a healty life you may live a hundred years
- Where do you live? I live in Russia
- I want to live like there’s no tomorrow
Live (adjetivo o adverbio)
Traducción: vivo
Pronunciación: laɪv/ / láiv
Nota: Here, the pronunciation is different, with a long /ai/ sound.
- Having life (alive, living).
- Related to, or occurring during the life of one that is living.
- Full of life, excitement, or activity (lively).
- Not yet exploded but capable of being fired.
- Electricity Carrying an electric current or energized with electricity.
- Broadcast while actually being performed; not taped, filmed, or recorded.
Como adjetivo
7. At, during, or from the time of actual occurrence or performance.
- I think he is alive. Call an ambulance now!
- The live weight of an animal
- We are at a live party. Come with us!
- The officials sanctioned the use of live ammunition against protesters
- WARNING! live cables lying dangerously on the ground
- The Royal Wedding was broadcast live to around 3 billion people worldwide.
- The landing on the moon was telecast live.
Traducción: hoja
Pronunciación: liːf / Líf
Plural: pl. leaves
- A usually green, flattened, lateral structure attached to a stem and functioning as a principal organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in most plants.
- Any of the sheets of paper bound in a book, each side of which constitutes a page.
- Leaves considered as a group; foliage.
- Which loose leaf tea flavors do you like?
- Whenever I make a casserole I add a bay leaf from my garden.