En el blog de vocabulario del día de hoy veremos algunas palabras que se relacionan con el mundo laboral, esperamos todas te sean de gran utilidad.
employee – empleado.
It’s very important to motivate your employees.
employer – empleador (el que da el empleo)
Bancomer is Laura’s employer.
worker – trabajador.
All the workers are happy with the new factory.
apprentice – aprendiz.
He is the new apprentice.
intern – becario.
Interns do not usually get paid.
shifts – turnos.
He asked me to trade shifts at work.
overtime – horas extras.
Does your company pay overtime?
profession – profesión.
I really love my profession.
earn your living – ganarse la vida.
You are 18 now, you should start earning your living!
to get a raise – recibir un aumento.
I am so happy! I’ve just gotten a raise!
promotion – ascenso laboral.
You are such a good employee, you should ask for a promotion.
to be unemployed – estar desempleado.
He’s been unemployed since 2010.
to fire somebody – despedir a alguien.
I’m so scared, I think my boss will fire me.
to quit – renunciar.
If you hate your job so much you should quit!
demonstration – manifestación.
There was a big demonstration on Reforma Avenue to complain about the new reforms.
reforms – reformas.
There have been many safety reforms at work.
strike – huelga.
All of the workers in the company I work for are on strike to demand higher wages.