Existen una gran cantidad de palabras que utilizamos en nuestro vocabulario cotidiano sin siquiera darnos cuenta del mucho uso que les damos. Un ejemplo de estas palabras son aquellas que utilizamos para referirnos a cualquier tipo de contenedor.
En nuestro blog de vocabulario de este lunes les dejaremos varias de estas palabras, esperando les sean de mucha utilidad.
bag – bolsa
“I need to buy a bag of lemons.”
barrel – barril
“That shop sells barrels of wine.”
basket – canasta
“Why don’t you give her a basket of fruit? It would be a nice gesture.”
bottle – botella
“Don’t forget to buy a bottle of wine for tonight.”
bowl – bol
“He only had a bowl of cereal for breakfast.”
box – caja
“There’s a big box in the attic with all of our old books.”
bucket – cubeta
“What do you think of all the famous people doing the ice bucket challenge?”
can – lata
“Can I have a can of soda, please?”
glass – vaso
“I’m really thirsty; can I have a glass of water, please?”
jar – tarro
“Can you pass me the jar of marmalade?”
jug – jarra
“Please make sure there’s always a jug of orange juice for breakfast.”
mug – taza/tarro
“I can’t start my day without a mug of coffee!”
Six-pack – Paquete de 6 latas o 6 botellas que se venden juntas.
“We bought a six-pack of beer for the party.”